note: Experimental fragmentation reduces sexual reproductive output by the reef-building coral Pocillopora damicornis D. Zakai (1), O. Levy (2), N. E. Chadwick-Furman (2) (1) Israel Nature and National Parks Authority, Eilat Regional Office, P.O. Box 667, Eilat, Israel e-mail: Tel.: +972-7-6373988; Fax: +972-7-6375047 (2) Interuniversity Institute for Marine Science, P.O. Box 469, Eilat, Israel and Faculty of Life Sciences, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel Accepted: 2 February 2000 Abstract Natural and anthropogenic disturbances may fragment stony reef corals, but few quantitative data exist on the impacts of skeletal fragmentation on sexual reproduction in corals. We experimentally fragmented colonies of the branching coral Pocillopora damicornis and determined the number and size of planula larvae released during one lunar reproductive cycle. Partially fragmented colonies significantly delayed both the onset and peak period of planula release compared with intact control colonies. Most fragments removed from the corals died within 11-18 days, and released few planulae. The total number of planulae released per coral colony varied exponentially with remaining tissue volume, and was significantly lower in damaged versus undamaged colonies. However, the number of planulae produced per unit tissue volume, and planula size, did not vary with damage treatment. We conclude that even partial fragmentation of P. damicornis colonies (<25% of tissue removed) decreases their larval output by reducing reproductive tissue volume. Repeated breakage of corals, such as caused by intensive diving tourism or frequent storms, may lead to substantially reduced sexual reproduction. Therefore, reef management should limit human activities that fracture stony corals and lead to decreases in colony size and reproductive output. Key words Fragmentation · Sexual reproduction · Planula larvae · Scleractinia · Management · Tourism Published in "Coral Reefs" Volume 19 Issue 2 (2000) pp 185-188 |