מיון אלמוגי אבן על פי משפחות
Montastraeidae משפחת הרריים 
 Genus Astrea הסוג הררית
synonym:  Montastraea 
הנראים כהרי געש זוטא. התרבותם האל-מינית חוץ-פוליפיית

המושבות קטנות בדרך כלל, וקוטר הגביעים גדול מ- 4 מ"מ

The genus Montastrea polyps similar to volcanic mountain. They reproduction extratentacular. They are middle size (4-12 mm diameter) 
Identification was based on the keys and description in the  book  "Corals of the World" and the website "Corals  of the World online", 
with the authorship 
of Professor Charlie Veron
The Key attached below was modified for the known species  from Northern Red Sea,
The "Coral terminology" can be found by clicking the 
"Content button" in the top of this page.

      Key for Red Sea Montastrea (After Veron, 2000)

Only species reported or expected in our region. For full key, be advised to use the original key: p. 447-459


A. species recorded from North Red Sea and / or reported from Eilat and/or Aqaba whose identity is certain
General View מבט כללי
חי Alive
שלד  Skeleton
Recently reported *

הררית קטועה
Astrea curta
(Dana ,1846)

Montastrea curta
(Forskal, 1775)

תפוצה אוק' הודי-פציפי

Accepted by WoRMS
Photo: JEN Veron (Guam)
Photo: I. Ben-Tov (Eilat)
Y. Horoszowski (Eilat)
Photo: J. Dafni (Eilat)
Photo: AIMS (GBR)
Red Sea
*Reports based on  Furman & Al-Moghrabi 2003   and / or   **Veron, 2000

For species recorded from North Red Sea and / or reported
 from Eilat and/or Aqaba whose identity is uncertain